Ralph Allegory

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Lord of the Flies expresses multiple ideas pertaining to its role as an allegory. An allegory is a story with more than one level of meaning; the boys crash and are stuck on the island, representing the Earth and world. Simon serves as a Christ-like figure; Ralph stands for the reader, or more of an average person; Jack is for the evil and savagery inside all human beings. Lord of the Flies is an allegorical novel because of its deeper symbols relating to the true intentions of human beings. One major symbol of the story is the character Ralph, representing not only the reader’s own role, but the role of democracy and need for government in a human society. He is chosen as chief in the first chapter and holds the conch, which stands for order…show more content…
He is initially turned down as chief, in favor of Ralph, but is given the job of being a hunter along with the other choir boys. Over time, he develops a feverish desire for murder and blood. The tension between him and Ralph becomes overwhelming, and Jack eventually convinces most of the boys to join his side instead. He often used fear of the unknown, the beast, to instill power. With the help of Roger, a suspected sociopath, he also uses pain against the boys for answers. After speaking to the twins at Castle Rock, Ralph heard “cries of pain from Samneric, cries of panic, angry voices” (Golding 231). He kills a mother pig and puts her head on a stick, and the pig becomes Lord of the Flies, or the beast. A ravenous chant led by Jack with the other boys leads to the murder of Simon. After Roger had rolled down an enormous rock, “the rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist” (Golding 217). Jack is frequently said to represent the ID of the mind, following his basic instincts and desires to kill, along with Roger. With these examples and more, Jack by far represents the evil and savagery among humans and the
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