Mary Maxfield Food As Thought Summary

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The question of what to eat in a world filled with allergies, processed meat, and blue raspberry flavoring is a tricky one, and one that has been answered time and time again by various people with various agendas. This field of nutritional standards is navigated by authors Michael Pollan in “Escape from the Western Diet” and Mary Maxfield in “Food as Thought.” Pollan dismisses the methods of typical nutritionists and suggests some more basic tips for distinguishing the best and realest foods, Maxfield criticizes the polarization of “good” and “bad” foods in a world of different cultures and insists that each individual is capable of deciding their own diet without a set of rules. As food and nutrition theories bombard consumers left and right, the average shopper is constantly forced to make complex choices between a huge variety of products, and will continue to have to do so as long as they need sustenance. When it comes to buying food, real world experience and good common sense is all that’s really necessary. After all, each of our bodies possesses individual sets of aversions and affinities for certain types of…show more content…
An additional benefit of consulting older family members, though not necessarily a great-grandmother, relates to the body and weight issues that Maxfield addresses. She says, “Staying mindful of...culture (and critical of the hidden interests that help guide it) can free us” (p.446), and one way to distinguish between cultural standards and one’s own is to research family health history. Health issues are often hereditary, and when they are related to diet, consulting family members can result in valuable, relatable input. On the other hand, family members can pass on habits that aren’t necessarily conducive to healthy eating and shopping habits, so be

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