Qin Shi Huangdi's Greatest Achievements In The History Of China

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Qin Shi Huangdi contributed great achievements in the history of China especially in uniting its states together and making improvements in the country. But Qin Shi Huang also did something contrary to the interests of people like for instance, in order to unify the public opinion, he took over and burned all the books from previous regimes that might be against his reign, and killed scholars who opposed him or his ideas, the so-called “fenshu kengru” (burn the books and bury the scholars alive) in history; countless labors were conscripted to guard the border and build the fortification walls to secure the frontier defense; he extorted excessive taxes and levies to construct Epang Palace and his mausoleum. Soon people revolted against the reign and the first unified feudal…show more content…
Liu Pang reestablished for a time some of the vassal kingdoms and feudal states in regions distant from the capital. Peasant discontent was mollified by lessened demands for taxes and forced labor. The Han emperors recognized that an educated bureaucracy was necessary for governing so vast an empire. The ban on the Confucian classics and other Chou literature was lifted, and the way was open for a revival of the intellectual life that had been suppressed under the Chin. After sixty years of consolidation, the Han Empire reached its greatest extent and development during the long reign of Wu Ti ("Martial Emperor"), who ruled from 141 to 87 B.C. To accomplish his goal of territorial expansion, he raised the peasants' taxes but not those of the great landowners, who remained virtually exempt from taxation. In addition, he increased the amount of labor and military service the peasants were forced to contribute to the state (Guisepi, R. 1998. Retrieved from

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