Movie Analysis: El Chivo's Story

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Finally, the last story in which we see and learn el Chivo’s story. El Chivo is an ex-guerrilla that was in jail for about 20 years; he is a professional assassin or hitman. He lives in some abandoned building with several stray dogs as they are his companions and family. El Chivo was an upper class man with a family but poor decisions to lead to where he is now, he is a member of the underclass and lives off trash or whatever he finds. Once again, el Chivo was hired to murder a businessman. There is a scene where he is looking through an album of photos of him and his family, which shows us he has some sensibility. El Chivo, at the scene of the crash saves Cofi, her nurses the dog back to health. He leaves Cofi in his home while he continues…show more content…
Although these stories are intertwined there is a plot to this film ultimately through the car accident which was tragic. It is said that tragedy inevitably brings people together in these kinds of happenings no one may free from pain as we saw in all characters. In the third story, we know Octavio was responsible for the car crash and that Valeria’s car was the one that was hit, lastly, el Chivo was present at the scene to save Octavio’s dog Cofi, who was left out in the street. Inarritu loosely connected all three tales through a very heavy use of flashbacks along with flash-forwards. For instance, we see a flashback right after the accident into Octavio’s history clearly showing us everything that happened days before, not only with his story but with others as well, then showing the accident again, it continues forward revealing the rest until its end. Moreover, there was the use of hyper linking, for example, it was done with el Chivo as he was slowly and very mysteriously introduced. In the first few scenes of el Chivo we see him through telephoto lens, seeing him from a distance. El Chivo’s story was built up slowly showing him in a few scenes with the other two tales. In Amorres Perros music played a role in portraying the stories. In the first story, music is really scarce, except for a few modern songs of the time. Silence prevails, which is a stress factor that manages people. In the…show more content…
Amores Perros perfectly represents not only a culture typical in Mexico, but three totally different types of social classes. Inarritu lets the audience have a firsthand view of what leads people to do depending on what economic circumstance they are. Since this film seemed to be a worldwide success, it opened foreigner’s eyes to Mexican culture. This film challenged the stereotypes of Mexicans as seen on other films, like in Hollywood. Amorres Perros showed that although people may be in completely a different class structure, they may all show concerns as we see in this film like hate, loneliness, power, and love. A typical theme in Latin films is corruption, and Amores Perros is no exception. The audience is exposed to the unregulated gambling dog fights. Also, Daniel with another colleague had an arrangement. His colleague pretends to be Valeria’s boyfriend to hide Daniel’s infidelity to his wife, while his colleague becomes a front cover of a magazine. Furthermore, the most shocking is where a local cop provides el Chivo, the professional hitman, with customers. Each tale experienced failures of a lawless city, and we saw that the poor or lower classes are the most

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