Public Partnership

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Chapter Five Public to Public Partnership (PPP) – Police and Armed Forces. Civil-military synergies and police –military synergies have a long history in Britain and the US. Early applications in the Police Military partnership were in counter insurgency, peace keeping and peace building( )( ) The fight against Terrorism is an area that has benefited from partnership between the police and the military both within the United Kingdom and internationally. NATO , UN and EU peacekeeping forces features collaboration amongst member states military and police forces in peace keeping operations. Northern Ireland conflict was the setting for one of UK’s peace keeping operations. The British police and armed forces formed the Tasking and Co-ordination Group (TCG) . The functions of the group was to co-ordinate military and police operational activities in bringing…show more content…
A partnership exists between Avon and Somerset police force and IBM and Lincolnshire police partnership with G4S. The UK police force has an existing ICT policy which the Home Office Minister Damien Green proposes should be applied to cater for the technological need of each police force in the United Kingdom. Partnership has also been found in maritime security. The Royal Navy is a key stakeholder in the partnership involving the police, the UK Border Agency, the security service (MI5) and the Department for Transport (DfT) in the ‘UK national maritime security programme’ . The partnership is coordinated by the National Maritime Information Centre (NMIC) and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA). The NMIC is the centre for information communication and base at the military Northwood Headquarters. Other areas where the police worked in partnership with the military are: crowd control and humanitarian

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