Psychological Approaches: Biological, Behavioral And Psychoodynamic Psychology

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Psychological Approaches Psychology was founded back in 1879. Psychology is the study of the brain and how it behaves. The psychological approaches that are focused on in this report are biological, behavioral and psychodynamic psychology. This report states what each approach is about, evidence behind it, examples and theories/ideas associated. This also has real-life examples of people's lives. Overall, this report will teach you what biological, behavioral and psychodynamic psychology are. Biological Psychology Biological psychology(behavioral neuroscience) is the study of the human brain and how all of our human behaviour is due to our biological design. Some theories made about biological psychology are ‘Localisation of function’…show more content…
Sperry made many experiments with people who had corpus callosotomy surgery, which is when the doctors separate the connections between both hemispheres. In the 1940s, the corpus callosotomy surgery method was created to help epilepsy clients. This proved there was two hemispheres, that are specialized. Unconnecting the two hemispheres makes them operated independently. This study supplied evidence that is idea could be true. Behavioural Psychology Behaviourism psychology is the idea that all of our behaviorisms are learnt for the environment we are in. This idea is related to the rewards and punishment and how they affect people’s behaviour. The theories within this topic are Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning. The main people who contributed to these ideas are Pavlov and J.H Skinner. There are many studies made about both Classical Conditioning and operate, thus this relates to real life situations. Classical…show more content…
This meant his reflex to food was different to the reflex of ringing a bell. Step Three: During conditioning What Pavlov did was ring the bell and at the same time presenting the food to the dog. Step Four: After conditioning After conditioning, the dog started to drool for just the bell meaning that the idea of classical conditioning had more evidence it was true. Example of real life A boy asked his mother for a chocolate at the supermarket and the mother said ‘No’, but the boy started to cry. This leads the mother to give up and give him the chocolate, he wanted. The boy made the connection in his brain, if he cries every time he can get what he wants. The two stimuli’s in this example are asking his mother over and over and getting the confectionary. This makes a connection in the brain that leads him to ask his mother the next time. Operant conditioning Operant conditioning is the idea that understand the relationships between a response and the consequences of the response. This idea is also about positive and negative reinforcement. B.F Skinner is best known for Operant Conditioning because he is known as one of the main leaders in Behaviourist Psychology. The work of B.F was known to be built on Thorndike(Who wrote the book ‘Law and

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