Pros And Cons Of Toxic Leaders

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The expression toxic leader came into use in studies of organizational behavior and leadership since 1996, when the book was published Toxic Leadership: When Organizations Go Bad (Toxic Leadership: When organizations go wrong), Dr.. Marcia Lynn Whicker. Since that time there have been a series of studies on the toxic leadership and its impact on organizations and personnel. Even there are several research studies conducted in the Armed Forces of the United States of America on this subject. In 2005, Dr. Jean Limpan-Blumen, Ph.D. of Harvard University, a professor of organizational behavior, which in 2010 received the Award of the Association of International Leadership for his achievements during his career in developing the field of leadership…show more content…
According to Dr. Whicker that leader is ill-suited, discontent, often malicious and even malicious, which has successfully bringing down others, they are drivers and do not encourage their followers to emerge. Toxic leaders are harmful to the organization to not promote development within the organization. According to Dr. Limpan-Blumen toxic leaders work for personal purposes, have destructive behaviors and dysfunctional personal characteristics of devastating consequences on individuals, families, organizations, communities and even society in general. Generally toxic leaders publicly humiliate employees. In particular it can be said that the toxic damage leading organizations. They are those that feed the needs and hopes of people to magnify his own power. They play with the needs and fears of the people under its control. Undermine the autonomy and capacity of its followers to exercise total control over them making them dependent on it. Toxic leader admits no constructive criticism, clings to power and prevents the development of new leaders. They are trying to succeed destroying others. Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence, said, "Emotionally intelligent leaders inspire, motivate and productively engage your staff: they create resonance. The 'Toxic' leaders, however, generate dissonance, deplete and poison the work environment.…show more content…
Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University, author of several books about leadership in his book Bad Leadership: What It Is, How it Happens, Why It Matters (2004) (Bad leadership: What is happening ?, What ?, Why is it important) indicates some of the common characteristics of toxic leaders as arrogance, authoritarianism, are autocratic, rigid, temperamental, irritable, aggressive , corrupt, insensitive, discriminatory attitudes with, inflexibility, lack of confidence, causing the division rather than harmony in the workplace, using the tactic of divide employees and limit their

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