Pros And Cons Of The 1920s

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“ The 1920s, also known as the ‘Roaring Twenties’ or the ‘Jazz Age,’ were years of change as America recovered from World War I and embraced new ways of behaving and thinking” (Benson.) The 1920s was an age filled with revolutionary moments, along with the men and women of the time striving for excellence, and when sports became the all time high, sports stars emerging left and right. As well as the triumphs of this age, there was also pain and strife, but the good outshined the bad, with the Jazz Age introducing new culture, and the sports industry creating celebrities. One of the few struggles Americans had, especially what women faced, was gaining the right to vote. Although women’s suffrage promoted positivity and the stronger…show more content…
It was also very popular among teenagers, that had become the first generation to rebel against their parents’ culture, inspiring new fashion trends and dance moves. “Dances such as the Charleston, the fox-trot, and the jitterbug, originally invented by African Americans, became wildly popular among white youth in the 1920s” (The Jazz Age.) The women’s suffrage movement began to create headlines during the Jazz Age as well, having women enter the workforce and finally have the right to vote in the 1920s, as well as the new image of equality known as “flappers,” or “flapper girls.” “The image of the flapper, with its associated notions of equality and sexual freedom, allowed some women to live more liberated lives,” (The Jazz Age.) The “Golden Age of Sports” was an age of many athletes became stars engraved into history, with new ones emerging at a rapid pace. “Extraordinary athlete-heroes emerged virtually in every sport, including olympic sports.” (Sports in the 1920s: Overview.) One such athletic star, Jack Dempsey, became the icon of his sport, which was boxing. “Dempsey was also a box-office magnet, attracting the first gates of $1 million and $2 million” (Dempsey.) He had pushed the “Golden Age of Sports” in the 1920s, becoming a “universally accepted American sports

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