Pros And Cons Of Socrates

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Although Socrates is on trial during the Apology, he can be seen as a good democratic citizen of Athens because he was able to prove that he was an individual who followed the laws of his state by providing ample counter-points to Meletus’ allegations, and because he was committed to the prevention of unjust and illegal actions taking place in the government. The charges that were brought against Socrates by Meletus were that he did not believe in the gods and that he was corrupting the minds of the youth. On the charge that he did not believe in any of the gods, Socrates stated that he believes in supernatural occurrences; therefore, he must also believe in the gods. Further proof of his belief in god can be seen in his declaration that…show more content…
On the charge that he is corrupting the youth, Socrates points out that he is not in fact a teacher since he does not require any fees. Socrates also provides another counter to the claim that he is corrupting the youth by getting Meletus to say that all of Athens in responsible for teaching the children, not just a single individual such as Socrates. Socrates also points out that it would be illogical for him to try to intentionally corrupt others because he would then be harmed as well, and even if he did so unintentionally, then the best way to stop him would be to discuss the matter in private to try to help him understand the errors of his ways, and not a criminal trial. Socrates provided a fair number of points to cast doubt upon Meletus’ two claims that paint him as a heretic and public danger and should have been found not guilty, but he was declared guilty probably because of the exasperating manner in which he argued his case, the political atmosphere in Athens after the loss of the Peloponnesian War in

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