Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Fusion

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Quoted by Stephen Hawking “I would like nuclear fusion to become a practical power source. It would provide an inexhaustible supply of energy, without pollution or global warming. “Fusion is real and it works. Fusion is the same process that powers the sun and is already being conducted in laboratories all over the world. Scientists have made exponential progress in fusion energy over the past few decades but progress was slowed by budget cuts in the 1990’s (“10 key Facts about Nuclear Fusion”). Nuclear fusion, the joining of two small nuclei, can be accomplished in two types of reactors, but there are many challenges to using fusion as a power source. Nuclear fusion is the combining of atomic nuclei. The word fusion means “merging of separate…show more content…
They use abundant sources of fuel, fusion reactors will not leak radiation over normal background levels, and they will produce less radioactive waste than fission reactors. Fusion reactors are in experimental stages in lots of laboratories around the world and in the United States. Russia, Europe, Japan and the United States has proposed to build a fusion reactor called the International Thermonide Experimental Reactor in France. It was made to show the feasibility of using sustained fusion reactions for making electricity (“Fission vs. Fusion). Fusion energy is certain to be the most important source of electricity in the 22nd century here on Earth. But we need it much sooner to avoid catastrophic global warming. Reactors for fusion are magnetic confinement reactors and inertial confinement reactors. Inertial confinement is a type of fusion energy that attempts to initiate nuclear fusion reactions by heating and compressing a fuel target. Magnetic confinement is an approach to generating fusion power that uses magnetic fields. The strategy of the magnetic confinement is to keep the hot plasma by means of magnetic fields, which keeps it in looping paths so it does not touch the wall of container (Nave). Also, to provide an extremely high temperature to get the particles to overcome the coulomb barrier, temperature must be maintained for a sufficient time and with a sufficient density in order to get a

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