Pros And Cons Of A Caucus

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The first United States presidential election was in 1789, when George Washington was running unopposed (presidential.) In todays society however, the presidential election is cutthroat. A candidate needs to get the ball rolling even before caucuses. A candidate should be on top of their campaign, and should gain the publics trust all while trying to strategically out-do his or her opponent. Currently the United States is in the middle of a campaign season for the election of 2016, and the candidates are playing strategically in order to gain the nomination to even get on the ballot. A caucus isn’t as brutal as the primary’s, but a candidate needs to gain the publics trust. They need to be able to act on a level that is somewhat down to earth. The public’s opinion is relatively important during the caucus. One needs to highlight their strengths and what they will ultimately bring to the presidential election;…show more content…
The debates are important because candidates the voter population can pay attention to the candidate’s views on issues, and why they feel how they feel. The candidates either gain or can lose support during the debates. It is very important that voters pay attention to the debate, this is the time where candidates can truly make or break their campaign, it could be a total disaster, or it could go extremely well and they may gain a plethora of support. Candidates should come across as goal oriented and driven. They should be passionate about winning the race for the presidency. If one is not driven enough to do campaign related speeches, and appearances and rallies then their support will plummet. They won’t have enough support and probably will be looked at an underachiever sort of candidate. They need to be strategic and ultimately ready to fight, and fight hard for the presidency if they truly want t win the seat. The candidate also needs to fundraise and

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