in the EvoRoom via its tablet computer. The axis of work follows these steps: First, a general introduction of the activity and an explanation of the historical context. Second, asking students to record their observations about various species within the EvoRoom and enter these observations from their tablet computers to be automatically represented at the interactive whiteboard in real time as they enter it. The interactive whiteboards show the changes in sea level that broke Sundaland into islands
bipedalism and its relation to the question of evolution of humans. The paper is divided into these categories: Types of Bipedalism Expansion of Bipedalism among other Species than Humans Cons and Pros of Bipedalism Bipedalism among Humans Outcomes of Bipedalism on Human Body Conclusion To understand Bipedalism by humans it is necessary to present couple definitions and observation to understand the basics
Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement is putting hinders to many lives in communities across America.” Racial profiling" refers to the targeting of particular individuals by law enforcement authorities based not on their behavior, but rather their personal characteristics.” While the controversial term "racial profiling" which doesn't have a consistent definition, but in today's literature this seems to be two clear definitions, a narrow definition and abroad definition