The Pros And Cons Of Bipedalism

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Bipedalism, Comes from lateen bi-pes, bipedis, which means two feet, and means locomotion on two feet. there are two different forms of bipedalism: se Habitual (birds, humans) and occasionally one, that occurs for example by chimpanzees or bears. For my research I have been focused on bipedalism and its relation to the question of evolution of humans. The paper is divided into these categories:

 Types of Bipedalism Expansion of Bipedalism among other Species than Humans
 Cons and Pros of Bipedalism
 Bipedalism among Humans Outcomes of Bipedalism on Human Body Conclusion To understand Bipedalism by humans it is necessary to present couple definitions and observation to understand the basics…show more content…
Keeping balance while standing on one feet is even more difficult.

Walk is a locomotion when the two feet move one next two the other on a separate time, one is moving forward while the other one stays on the floor. To keep balance the weight is always kept in the middle with the direction of our movement. Run is very similar to walk described above, the biggest difference is that most of the time both of feet are in the air. Run is generally considered a faster way of locomotion than walk. Jump is locomotion of using both legs “fixed” next to each other. Jump is actually the only way of locomotion when someone has only one…show more content…
Expansion of Bipedalism among other Species than Humans

Bipedalism papered many times during the evolution independently. Today bipedalism could be found among birds and vertebrates. The birds inherited it fem dinosaurs who were except saurophodomorphas bipedal sprinters. Very interesting and not answered yet is why reptiles are not bipedal since they evolved from dinosaurs as well.

Among mammals is Bipedalism very rare. To humans the only exception are kangaroos, thug they can only jump, not walk neither run. Bipedal are actually kangaroo rats (dipodomys). Among Human being there are couple non-habitual bipedal ops such as gibbons, chimpanzees or sifakas. Couple other mammals stand bipedal when they fell threatened - bears, skunks and many others. There is no knowledge about any bipedal species among arthropods beside some cockroaches. Recent studies indetified some styles of octopuses who use only two tentacles to “walk” (!) on the floor under the water (ref.: Amphioctopus marginatus, wikipedia the free encyclopaedia).

Cons and Pros of Bipedalism

With bipedalism come many pros than has the use quadrupedalism, they can be direct or indirect:
 Higher profile gives a better view and a person occurs bigger and

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