1990 p.221). Child and Youth Care practitioners are subjected to a code of ethics Ricks (1997)”notes our professional codes of ethics were not helpful when we were confronted with an ethical dilemma in our practice” (p. 187) Even though this is the case “survey of post-secondary child and youth care education programs in Canada revealed that only 8 (17% of the 46 responding institutions) had developed and delivered curriculum on ethics in human services; 5 (11%) required an ethics course for degree
implementation; professional communication; and ethics and values. (Regehr C., Bogo, Donovan, Lim, & Regehr G. 2012) Concluding this research, Regehr and colleagues (2012) discovered that the various skills and abilities taught within social work practicum coincide with areas on a mezzo and micro level scale such as clinical social work. However, where competency is potentially more vital, in areas on a larger macro scale, such as community activism and political lobbying, there is much room for
Part B 7. Issues and concerns in Teacher Education between developing and developed country. (Choose ant ONE (1) country from each category) Abstract Teacher education programs among countries are often examined and are analyzed for further enhancement of their effectiveness. In this 21st century, teachers are not only expected as imparters of knowledge, teachers are also to hold the responsibility of shaping a better citizenry. This paper aims to compare and contrast the teacher education in Singapore