Waking Up To Marago

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Waking up to a private investigator in your kitchen isn’t always the best thing to wake up to. Margo, the main character, has been missing for days now. Her parents and a private investigator are over at Q’s house to get more information on where she is. Throughout talking to her parents, Q realized that he would have run away too. Her parents are crazy! I can connect to Margo because she ran away to get away for a little bit and get new experiences in her life. I can also visualize how hard it is for Q to loose Margo so suddenly. Finally I have been predicting what is going to happen while reading this book. While reading, I have been connecting to Margo. She has been running away from home for a while now because her parents are a little “crazy.” They treat her like she is ten years old and she is basically garbage. When she runs away, she leaves clues for her family to find her, but they never fully understand them. But this time, she leaves the clues to Q. He finds an address in his room, and also some details in her room. After a lot of investigating, Q and his friends go to the address she left for him. When they get there it is an old little house. It looks like it was going to fall to the ground any minute. They don’t find her but what they did find was another clue. It was a message in paint on one of the walls. Q doesn’t exactly know what the message means so he has to do more…show more content…
Having a spectacular night with someone who you’ve always secretly liked was magical to Q. Thinking that it was going somewhere, but truly it wasn’t. Waking up the next morning from a crazy night. Then realizing the one person you have gotten a chance to get to know, laughed with, was over. He wants to find her but doesn’t know where it is going to go. He secretly doesn’t really know how to deal with loosing her. But he knows that she wants him to find her and maybe, just maybe they will be

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