Plato's Argument In The Crito

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In Plato’s The Crito we see the argument of Socrates chance of escape, between Socrates and Crito. Socrates’ approach to the question of escaping his death is more logical and the worry of his friend’s outcome of them helping him. Crito’s concern is for his friend, who is a great leader, and teacher. Crito’s concern is expressed with his desire to help Socrates escape. In the end it is Socrates’ whose argument who proves successful. In the beginning of The Crito we read of Crito’s plea and concern for a friend, his begging to Socrates to save his own life, “I beseech you for the last time to listen to me and save yourself”. This can be seen as a strong argument, through examples like Crito telling Socrates not to concern himself with money, or not to worry about the risk they are taking. Crito and Socrates’ friends are willing to wager those risks in order for Socrates to continue to be that great leader, friend and mentor.…show more content…
Which plays down the point that Crito tries to make by asking why not hear from all man. Socrates knows there are only a few men who would uphold the idea that no man should do any wrong and be able to get away with it. Which demonstrates that Socrates is methodical in his process of deciding to escape or not. Also showing that Socrates really doesn’t want to hear from all man, he would rather hear the opinions of those he respects. Socrates considers the opinions of those who make up the laws and the common wealth, who are the very people who have sentenced him to death. Further demonstrating that he considers the opinions of those he respects. If he were to go against the decisions of the very people he respects, it may cause an imbalance between those who make the laws and those who are to follow them. So in full Socrates has a conscience that he is more concerned for those who would suffer after his decision to
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