Comparing Plato's Crito And The Common Good

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Plato’s Crito and the common good expressed the challenges that Socrates must face in an extremely challenging time in his life. Rather than sticking to a status quo and welcoming the development of what he viewed as immorality within his expanse, Socrates questioned society and their beliefs. He was said to be corrupting the youth because he wanted to inspire them to think like himself. Dougal Blyth touches on many aspects of Sorcates situation in great detail. The areas he explores are; the argument of the Crito, Piety and Justice, Citizenship and the Common Good, Harming the laws, Justice and the soul. The argument of the Crito explains Crito trying to persuade Socrates to escape but Socrates expressing his rational behind his thought process.…show more content…
If Socrates were to escape he would be harming the law that he has agreed to obey. He entered knowing what was entailed. From the laws he derives the benefits of participation in the city’s common good, which gives him cause to keep it (Blyth, 59). Socrates is being unjustly executed but he still must fulfill his agreement to obey. A question one may have is that why is it that if Socrates escapes will the whole city be destroyed? It says that there is no necessary connection between the way Socrates’ acts and that of the rest of the community; the reasoning behind the destruction of the city for harming the law continues to be questionable and needs further investigation. Blyth questions why law is harmed if the court’s judgment in his case is not applied which is a valid point because of the variation cases may have. The Athenian Laws can be provided with a justification of their claim to be harmed by disobedience on the grounds that law must have universal application because unless it does it will not count as law (Blyth 62). The law makes no changes for certain people, there is no variation of consequence for offences of the same sort even though they may me of much different nature. This is a flaw in the Athenian Law that assumingly resulted in many other unjust executions just as Socrates…show more content…
Socrates is motivated to act justly, he will obey the law and stay to die. But this does not yet explain on what grounds the Laws can expect Socrates to be motivated to act justly; since he is to be cut off irremediably from the common good, why does he now preserve for himself the only good he apparently can, that of his private life (Bylth,63)? Socrates private life is what he will take with him; he wants what is best for his soul at this point. Socrates ability to philosophize is not the greatest good for him and the relations he shares with the city of Athens but the justice of his soul is still with

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