Phoenix Jackson Obstacles

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Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path,” tells a story about an elderly woman who goes on an journey by foot in search for medicine for her sick grandson. On this journey the grandmother, Phoenix Jackson stumbles upon many obstacles causing her to face hardships that she refuses to let get in her way because of her love for her grandson. Phoenix’s determination to complete this journey in order to help the one she loves concludes Welty’s purpose. The argument Welty makes in “A Worn Path,” is that people are willing to take long measures for the ones that they love. She does this by arranging the plot around several obstacles which engage the readers to proceed; picking up on this notion that it is the journey of love not just the journey for medicine. Then Welty…show more content…
This is because it is naturally assumed that it’s more difficult for an older woman to take on this journey rather than a younger one. Jackson takes on her journey both through the woods and into town where she arrives at numerous obstacles that she is to overcome. In the woods, she comes in contact with a threatening white hunter, a barbed wire, and wild animals. Her experience in town finally leads her to the doctors office where she is then troubled with questions. Through her actions, we learn of Phoenix Jackson’s character and conclude that her love for her grandson is her weapon and strong enough for her to bypass anything that gets in her way. This is seen when she is distracted by the white hunter and his dogs who are curious of her whereabouts and insist that she leaves. Her refusal to leave even after the hunter has his gun pointed at her shows her devotion and is clear evidence of how much her grandson means to her; more than her own life. When she arrives to the clinic she is treated with disrespect and is mistaken for a charity case by the attended however, she does not let this get the best of her and still continues to show
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