Persuasive Essay On Year Round School

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Most Americans argue about year round schooling, and how it should or shouldn’t be a option to the schools. Many people argue against it are saying that it is not gonna change the learning in our country and it won’t change. Students don’t want year round schools because they know that there would be no long summer vacations, and it will hurt many local busenius like water parks, campgrounds, and other places like zoo’s. However, the Americans that are for year round schooling say it will help the students grades, focus in class and improve school attendance for kids. Although many parents and students feel that year round school is not as beneficial as the traditional school calendar, it can help raise test scores in many students. Because year round school can reduce class size and allow students to focus more in class, It increase volunteer time to the community, and the retention rate will be higher. Many people don’t know why the outdated calendar was made and and what it was for. it was established when the students still had to help their parents out on the…show more content…
Vacations are one of the problems with the old school calendar doesn’t leave any vacation room for parents and students to go off of like the year round calendar provides many options. Many schools believe that year round schooling can increase the students Community service hours throughout the community. Most americans that have been through the new year round schooling have said that they don’t feel stressed much anymore from school homework and pressured to do work that they don’t really want to do,only because they realize that there will be a break in less than 45 days versus a year. Supporters support that having longer school years would provide kids that may not be have enough money to access more healthier meals throughout the year.("The Pros and Cons of Year-Round

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