Persuasive Essay On Capital Punishment

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Capital punishment is a punishment announced to a criminal committed felony. It is simply a execution of serious criminals. However, should it be allowed to punish someone with this cruel methods? This had been a controversial issue that many politicians argued for ages. On one side, people trust that we should not punish anyone by killing, as a human. On the other hand, they say it is a need to protect our safe society. In this research, we are going to discuss about the positive and negative consequences of the capital punishment. There are some advantages that comes with capital punishment. First, it provides deterrent to any further crime. A professor of Fordham University who studied jurisprudence said “Capital punishment is more likely…show more content…
This is based on the theory of ‘Eye for an eye’ which becomes life for a life here. Some people think that a felon who murdered a lot of people should die. It is not an act that a human being could even think of, so it means we don’t have to respect their human rights. Even if the felon is announced a life sentence, it is not a punishment that has the same intensity. The murderer took away a life from a human and gave a everlasting scar to the family of the victim. This should not be punished only by taking away their liberty, but harshly by killing them. This balances the justice in our…show more content…
First, it provides deterrent to any further crime. A professor of Fordham University who studied jurisprudence said “Capital punishment is more likely to deter more crimes than other punishments because people fear the death the most.”(Haag,) Deterrence of capital punishment work by threatening the latent criminals by death, which is the most horrifying. So theoretically this will stop a lot of crimes that happen adventitiously or impulsively. Also for whom does not care about their freedom and inversely, for someone who likes prison more because of economic situation, capital punishment is an effective deterrent for

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