Compare And Contrast Booker T Washington

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What Makes the Man? “Character, not circumstances, makes the man.”-Booker T. Washington. In two different books, Up from Slavery and Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, we discover two men whose astounding lives prove this quote. Both born into the southern United States during the 1800s, Booker T. Washington and Frederick Douglass lived the first parts of their lives in slavery. Throughout their life, they constantly desired the ability to make a change in the current way of things. With much striving and determination, both men became renowned public speakers fighting for what they believed in. Born at different times, Booker and Frederick experienced different lives. Booker’s birth took place in 1856, while Frederick’s happened years before in 1818. So, while these men lived in two different periods of…show more content…
Washington and Frederick Douglass made a mark on the history of the United States of America. Even though their births fell far apart, and they started with differing views on white people, the two shared many common characteristics. They both experienced slavery, they both gained freedom, and they both established goals. Both men impacted the lives of countless people, and showed wonderful passion towards noble subjects; however, Booker T. Washington stands out even more. Despite the cruel and unjust treatment, he received as a child, and the unfair treatment he received as an adult, Booker never sunk to despising the white people who treated him in this way, unlike Frederick. He sought to always show respect and prove that the black people were worthy of being treated equally. While Frederick acted fiery and spoke strongly, Booker acted gently and spoke calmly, and this shows a level of respect and honor. Booker T. Washington and Frederick rose out of dreadful circumstances to tremendous achievements, and by this truly proved that the character and perseverance of a man makes him, not his

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