Personal Narrative: What I Believe

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Whether it is religion or something as simple as believing in Santa, every person on this planet has a sentiment that they believe in. In my lifetime, I have come to have faith in numerous people and ideas. My conviction is that anyone can do whatever they want to with their life; all it takes is a little hard work. This is an idea that I believe to be true, and I perform everything in my power every day to ensure I adhere to it. I cannot stand to see people give up on their dreams due to their lack of effort and willpower to achieve them. Each time I face adversity, I always try to remember my goals then push through the plight in order to stay on my path to success. My honest belief is that anyone, regardless of the situation, can do any…show more content…
I was lucky enough to experience a sliced hand that needed seven stitches in Kindergarten, a broken forearm in first grade, and a deep cut about an inch to the left of my eye in third grade. While I did overcome each of these and continue with my usual activities, I was not trying my absolute best to push through them towards a goal as I did not have a plethora of goals as a grade schooler. However, when I made the transition into high school, my goals became clearer. I knew where I wanted to attend to college and what I wanted to be post-graduation. Injuries that occurred during my time in high school, have increasingly threatened my long term goals. I broke and dislocated a finger as a Freshman, pulled my hamstring as a sophomore, and, last but certainly not least, I cracked a vertebrae in my lumbar back. Each of these injuries required me to set out of football and basketball practices for a considerable amount of time. A large number of people that I know personally would not have continued with the sports following these injuries; however, I knew what I was fighting for and would not give up on reaching my dream life. My belief about effort carried into these injuries and I worked arduously to overcome each of these
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