Personal Narrative-Old Fashioned

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I grew up in a society where, for a long time, not everyone had been given the same rights. In fact, for most of my life a minority I myself identify with was shunned and denied the ability to marry whom they loved. My extended family is what is often referred to as “Old Fashioned”, meaning any talk about homosexuals is simply avoided unless it is to express distaste behind their backs. For as long as I could remember homophobia was something typical and normal with my grandmother. I grew up spending the summers listening to her talk of how sinful and unnatural they were and never once did I argue with her; it simply was not something a child did. Her opinions never sat right with me, but I was unable to stand up and voice my disagreement; that is, never until my first summer of high school.…show more content…
The summer afterwards I was sent to my grandparents for a trip to the beach. To this day I remember clearly the fourth day we spent in Galveston. I had been sitting on the beach with my grandmother enjoying the sun when a lesbian couple walked past. I had been in awe of how happy and comfortable they seemed together even in public, however when I turned to see my grandmother I could tell from the disgusted look on her face that our thoughts were not similar. As the pair walked further away she let loose a rant of slurs and comments about how sick she felt from seeing something so “unnatural” and slowly I began to become increasingly upset with her. I understood how that couple felt, understood how hurtful the whispers and looks could be. Knowing how much such comments could tear at one’s self esteem I decided I could not let my grandmother

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