Personal Narrative: Newberg High School

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Sitting on a smelly, yellow bus with my best friend, Rachel, heading towards Newberg High School. We start to get mentally prepare for our cross country meet. Then Danya, a freshman on the cross country team, blurts out a riddle, “ As the book hits the ground a hundred people die.” When we arrive at Newberg High School, we only have half the riddle figured out. Walking out of the vehicle, chill races up my spine. I follow the people up into the metal bleachers. Our couch, handed out maps of the cross country course. We, as a team, walked the course to get a feel of it and to know where we're going. The course started out looping around the baseball fields. The pathway was covered in bark chips, with half of it in the woods. The path leads…show more content…
I just told myself push past the mental aspect of it. I look at my friends and tell them, “ Good luck!” My heart begins to pound heavily as I wait for the sound of the gun. “Bam” and we were off. Physically I wanted to get ahead, but mentally I held back. Screams of cheering filled the air. Running along with the group I push through the pain swiftly moving up and into the woods. I stuck with my group of people my coach had told me to stay with. He said “Before the meet that for the first mile we had to get around seven minutes and fifteen seconds.” My friend Alli set it to her watch to the pace. Every so often it would beep if we were on or off the pace. Starting to relax from all the adrenaline stirred up from the start of the race I began to focus on my goal. Already tired I always think why do I do this to myself why am I killing myself. After finishing my first mile I got a second of wind feeling like I can make it for the next two. I pick up the speed, but then the heaviness fell upon me. Slowing down to make sure I don't use up all the energy that I have left. We loop the track onto a field. I see my friend Lindy in the front with the St. Mary girls right on her tail pass us. We did the loop around the field and came back up onto the track leading back into the loop into the woods the opposite

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