Personal Narrative: My First Lacrosse Game

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Twenty degrees. That’s how cold it was outside during my first lacrosse game. The snow was coming down pretty hard and I was freezing. It was only a couple weeks into the lacrosse season and I still didn’t know how to pass or the catch the ball. When coach calls my name, my hearts racing. I go up my to coach and subs me into the game. I’m shivering from the cold, and the first thing I do is trip and fall into the snow covered field. I get up, and I hear Vinnik being screamed from bench to get off the field. That was the end of my first game of lacrosse and I was on the field for probably thirty seconds. The only positive thing that came out of that game was getting rid of the anxiety I had before playing. I never played a sport during high school until I joined the lacrosse team. I joined the team during the winter of…show more content…
Passing and catching was quite the struggle to get a hold of. I spent a couple hours before the first real practice at my house, but it was so frustrating. My stick was so long and I always thought you were supposed to keep your hands close together when passing and catching. During the first practice of the season, my coach decided to make me practice passing and catching with a sophomore who played last year, Chris Spisak. Chris however, was terrible at lacrosse. Obviously at the time he was better than I was, but for my coach to think that Chris should be teaching people how to play I think that was foolish. I then went to the defense only practice. There, I learned things about my footwork and how to approach someone if they were running at me. I also learned how to hit without getting a penalty and how to use my stick on defense. The problem was though, I never got to practice all the positioning things during practice because we worked on team exercises most of the time, rather than focusing on

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