Personal Narrative: Lessons Learned From Failure

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Everybody loves a loser and i know i am definitely one. The lessons we learn from failure helps us to be successful later in life. My trials and tribulations are what made me more ambitious and determined to reach my goals. Over the summer of 2015, I was accepted into the New York City’s Summer Youth Employment Program which only lasted for six weeks. I worked at a daycare which was an amazing experience. After the six weeks, I was out of a job, but I was determined to find steady work. After my 17th birthday over this summer, it dawned on me that a year from now, i’ll be roaming the walls of a college campus. it made me realize I couldn’t keep relying on my parents to buy everything for me. I wanted to be able to say” I brought this with my own money.” Instead of my parents spending money on me,i wanted them to use the money for themselves. With the stress of college that started to approach, i wanted to be able to pay the SAT and college applications fees on my own. Since college helps most students to grow into mature adults;i wanted to gain even more maturity before…show more content…
I was starting to feel discouraged because even with my working papers, I still couldn’t get a job. I spent days searching for jobs at local stores, newspapers, and online. Finally, I was called in for an interview and I was ecstatic. I practiced for any questions that may be asked and I wore my best professional outfit. The manager was very impressed by me and said I was very mature for my age. I was hired and I couldn’t tell you how long I waited to hear those words. However, the manager told me that I would have to work in Bronx, and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I was unable to accept the job due the long distance from Brooklyn to Bronx. That was one of the saddest days of my life because the offer just slipped away from

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