Personal Narrative Analysis

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Growing up, I was a child with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding of the world around me. Perhaps I could say that this was just in my nature, but to be completely honest, my parents in particular were huge facilitators of my early learning. Although they themselves did not have college educations, my mom and dad placed a high value on language and reading, encouraging my curious nature by answering my incessant, never-ending questions. I was raised to love and cherish language, to appreciate how multiple languages could work with one another, to adore reading for pleasure, and to use language to convey messages. For a child of my socioeconomic status, I received quite an arsenal of tools to kick off my early education. Even though we lived in a crappy, run-down trailer, I had plenty of toys to play with and books to read, and although both my parents worked all day, they found the time to read me bedtime stories and teach me a variety of math and…show more content…
After my teachers told me what a noun was, what an adjective was, what a prepositional phrase was, I understood how the English language worked and could write without too many grammatical mistakes. In fourth grade, I remember that our teachers were trying to get us to write our answers to questions in full sentences. “You are absolutely not allowed to start a sentence with ‘because,’” she said. “You can’t respond with a fragment. You have to use complete sentences.” Like the little snot I was, I saw the loophole. “But, you can still technically start a sentence with ‘because’ and make it a complete sentence,” I would argue. “You just have to finish the sentence off. For example: ‘Because the character didn’t get any sleep, he was grumpy all day.’” My teacher, frustrated, said, “The other kids don’t understand that. Just don’t start your sentences with ‘because,’ okay?” I was pretty upset I couldn’t cheat the

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