Personal Narrative: A Trip To A Home To My Home

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One day I was planning to go home to my family after a trip to New York with my friend. We live in North Carolina and we are coming from LaGuardia Airport.. First I woke up and packed the rest of the stuff that I didn't pack the day before which was a lot. I was too lazy to do it the day before, and so was my friend so he had to do the same. After we talked over the phone to discuss who was going to pick who up, when our flight is and what we want to do before we have to go get on the plane. Josh said “ I think you should pick me up, and I think the plane leaves at around 12:00 to 12:45.”. “That sounds good to me, and I thought the plane leaves at or around 1:00 to 1:30, and we should also get something to eat, what do you want because I don't care what we eat.”, I said.…show more content…
Later I called an uber and told him to drive us to the Hotel Josh was staying at, and then drive us to Laguardia Airport. After we arrived at Josh’s Hotel and my uber driver said that the total 37 dollars and 96 cents. Josh yelled, “that's crazy, $37.96 for a two block drive!’?” The uber driver exclaimed, “ Yeah, if you don't like the price then get out!” “Fine, we’ll pay for it only if the price is lower next time.” exclaimed Josh Deal, the price will be 10 percent lower than the original cost.” said the uber
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