Essay On Fluid Transport

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Fluid Compartments The two main fluid compartments in the body include the intracellular and extracellular compartments. Fluid within the cells is intracellular fluid and fluid outside the cells is extracellular fluid. The extracellular compartment is further divided into three categories, which includes interstitial, intravascular, and transcellular. The interstitial fluid lies within the tissue spaces, the intravascular fluid lies within the blood vessels, and the transcellular compartment holds the remainder of the fluid. Transcellular fluids include cerebrospinal, pleural, peritoneal, and synovial fluids. Fluid Transport There are two types of fluid transport: passive and active transport. In passive transport, there is a movement from high to low concentration, which requires little to no energy. There are several types of passive transport, such as filtration, diffusion, and osmosis. Active transport requires energy since substances are…show more content…
If the membrane between the two compartments is permeable, then the compartment with greater hydrostatic pressure, which mirrors the amount of fluid in the compartment pressing against the membrane, will begin shifting to the compartment with the lower hydrostatic pressure. Filtration will occur until the equilibrium is reached. If the two hydrostatic pressures between the compartments are equal, then filtration will not occur. An example of filtration would be edema caused by right sided heart failure. In said diagnosis, there is right-sided hypertrophy due to it having to work harder than normal. Not enough blood is pushed out of the right side, so it backs up into the venous system where the hydrostatic pressure will continue to rise which causes capillary hydrostatic pressure to rise until it becomes so pressurized that it overcomes the interstitial space’s hydrostatic pressure and filters over, which causes

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