Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis: An Analysis

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Would you like it if your dignity was taken away from you and you could not stand up for yourself? Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis considers the many different ways women are disrespected after the revolution in Iran. Women in higher class are different from women in lower class. For example, women in high class can pay off for the wrongdoings they have done; whereas women in low class have no debt to pay for her mistakes.Marjane is a young girl who will fight for her rights and the rights of those around her; same as her mother Taji and dad Eby. The Iranian government and the Guardians of the Revolution tries to enforce gender roles and oppose feminism in the novel. Men in Iranian society believe it is acceptable to downgrade and belittle women…show more content…
1980 was the year it became obligatory to wear the veil at school and Marji says: “We didn’t really like to wear the veil, especially since we didn’t understand why we had to” (3). The children did not understand the point and understanding of the veil. It was a quick change that was thrown upon them and was expected to be followed. Women were threatened and/or insulted for not wearing their veils properly; when men attacked Taji she explains why: “They said women like me should be pushed up against a wall and fucked. And then thrown into the garbage” (74). Taji is in tears because of the terrible, disgusting, and uncalled for words against herself. She is not treated as an equal and she feels worthless and downgraded as a person. Cathy Jenkins states that women: “They cannot be judges because of what are often vague principles, including the notion of women's emotional unreliability due in part to their monthly menstrual cycle. There are no female ministers and a woman will never run the country or lead prayers” (1). Women are afraid to stand up towards men and the government. Women will never be trusted as much as men to be leaders. Women have many changes and impacts in their life since the revolution and it will keep happening throughout the

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