Patient Radiation Essay

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The Effect of a PACS on Patient Radiation Doses and Operating Costs in a Radiology Department: A Practical Study PACS is a standard for Picture Archiving and Communication System. PACS have been used for more than two decade ago. PACS used to convert radiology departments to become a digital instates of using a printed radiology films which we can save and transfer images through network system. PACS system has to be contented to the all the hospital system like HIS and RIS. PACS work by receiving radiology images from all the modalities (X-Ray, CT, MRI, ULS…) than storage all of them in one server than Radiologists and physician who has access can log on and retrieve the images for interpretation. In the December 2013 article in Procedia…show more content…
This study measured doses before and after installation of PACS system and compared the repeating x-ay exams. According to the study gathered date during a 12 week period (half of the time before PACS and the other half after PACS) in a clinic in one examination room. During the first six weeks, this room did around 5200 examinations, which was enough to perform this study (Modrak, 2013). After they replaced the old film system and installed a digital system, the cost of film material is gone which reduced the cost of the radiology department. After implementing PACS system, the number of repeated exams performed reduced to 11 comparing to 141 Study before implementing the system (Modrak, 2013). With a reduction percentage from 2.71% before implementing the system to 0.21% after implementing the PACS system (Modrak, 2013). The reduction of the repeated exams resulted in the reduction of unnecessary radiation to the general public and healthcare workers. It also resulted in much saving of the costs of the exams, cost, hence the general health care. According to the study, films and chemicals cost per year was 287585 Euro before implementing the PACS system. After implementing the PACS system the cost of the

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