Parable Of The Sower

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In “Parable of the Sower”, it talks about god’s words. Jesus gathers people by the sea and decides to teach people about a sower. As a group of people gathered around this man as he began about the sower planting seeds. While the sower was planting seeds, there were a few that fell in four different places: Some of the seeds fell along a path, and the birds came to eat them. Some seeds fell on a rocky ground and the seeds sprang up immediately, but when the sun came up they were burned and withered away. The seeds also fell on the thorns, but the thorns made the seeds grow, but they chocked so there was no grain. The rest of the seeds fell upon good soil. The seeds that fell on the good soil brought good grain and hundred-folds. After the man delivered the word…show more content…
Everything is circling around the sower planting seeds and dropping seeds in 4 different types of soils. As the story gets deeper we start to learn about the different soils and how the perception of god word is given. In the beginning of the paragraph of the parable being explained, it says, “To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in parables; so that they may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand; lest they should turn again, and be forgiven” (4.10). In this irony, Jesus who is giving out this information about how everyone can receive the word of god, but the person who want to receive it. Everything that Jesus was saying was a contradiction. He says one thing but means another. For example when Jesus says “so that they may indeed see but not perceive” (4.10), it means that the people will receive the word of god, but they are not meant to perceive it. When he says, “May indeed hear but not understand; lest they should turn again, and be forgiven” (4.10), he is actually saying they will hear the word of god, but you are not meant

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