Emily Dickinson Research Paper

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Emily Dickinson was an extremely influential and innovative poet. Her capacity to think outside the box and voice her thoughts creatively has made her one of the more famous poets of all time. She saw and learned about the world from a unique point of view and turned her findings into art. Despite the fact that her ideas were primarily born from opinions and thoughts, many of her works expressed her frustration with real problems happening in the world. I will be discussing Emily Dickinson, and I will analyze one of her more symbolic poems. I will also show how she expressed her thoughts in a few of her other works. Her works were never titled but were classified by roman numerals or by the first stanza of the poem. The poem I will…show more content…
She was very reclusive in personality and life style. She was not active in her community and had a diminutive social group. She allowed very few people into her life, so the people she did allow greatly influenced her poetry (Crumbley 1). Emily Dickinson did not believe in publication, and never tried to publish any of her works herself (Franklin 4). Dickinson would send poems to her friends and family in letters. Occasionally, one of Dickinson’s friends would publish a poem that he or she had received (Franklin 5). This did not anger Dickinson, but sometimes the published poems were edited. This means that the edited poems were not exactly like the originals causing there to be many variations of her works (Franklin…show more content…
She was not religious, and her poetry often reflects a sense of apostasy towards Christianity in particular. Being a well educated, non religious female separated Dickinson from main stream society; however, this seemed to only allow her creative side to flourish. Despite Dickenson’s educational and seminary influences, she maintained a defiant attitude towards religion and society. Rejecting the concepts of society and religion kindled her ability and need to create her own symbolism and meaning for her ideals. It is no surprise that these ideals would surface in her poems. As I mentioned earlier, Dickinson’s poems were never titled, so they were often categorized by the first stanza of the poem. The poem that I will be analyzing begins with, “Some keep the Sabbath going to church (Dickinson 48).” This poem touches on Emily Dickinson’s views about religion, something she struggled with throughout her

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