Pakistan Pest Analysis

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Pakistan at the time of its inception in 1947 owned a meager telecom base with just 14,000 operational telephone lines. Telecom service was meant just to meet the needs of country administration. The year 1962 saw the first sector change when Post Telegraph & Telephone services were separated by establishing independent T&T and Postal Departments. Since the mid-1980s, a number of countries including Pakistan overhauled telecommunications sector, to arrange mobilize additional capital, improve performance of operating enterprises and respond to rapidly growing pressures for more varied services. To begin, Pakistan in 1990 also started taking gradual sector reform measures within the existing legal and regulatory framework. In line with emerging…show more content…
In 1996, “Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation (PTC)” also incorporated in “Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL)” under company ordinance 1984. Following the open licensing policy in accordance with instructions from the Government of Pakistan and in exercise of powers conferred by Pakistan Telecommunication (Re-Organization) Act 1996. The Authority PTA issued number of licenses to operate value added telecommunication services to encourage the private sector. However, as per Act, basic telephony was put under exclusivity & PTCL was given a seven years monopoly over basic telephony which ended by December 31, 2002.Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) was incorporated as a public limited company , with the objective of providing domestic and international telecommunication and related services. About 95% of the assets and liabilities of PTC, at net book value, were transferred to PTCL whereas the remaining 5% assets were vested in PTA, FAB, NTC and PTET. Pakistan Telecom Foundation [PTF] was formed in 1997 to defend the Data Network sector against private sector data network operators. By 1999 Pak Net / Pak Data was split from Pakistan Telecom Foundation to look after the pure Data Network sector .As the privatization and de-regulation trend grew in North America and Europe, Pakistan also realized it and decided to de-regulate the telecom sector to capture the substantial benefits of the privatization and de-regulation. Liberalization of…show more content…
The rules are also included about interconnection procedure, terms and conditions of interconnection agreement, procedure about failure in interconnection agreement,interconnection charges, and dispute resolution mechanism. This also includes the rules about quality of services, exchange of information between two operators and tariff etc. o Access Promotion Contribution Rules 2004: These rules provide the guidance for contribution made by LDI and LL operators or Universal Service Fund (USF) in providing the services to people living in un-served or under-served rural or remote areas etc. o Card Payphone service Regulations

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