P. T. Barnum's Mass Museum Analysis

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P.T. Barnum’s American Museum had several impacts on the society. It introduced a new kind of museum: the first to include attractions and entertain its public while educating people about fine art, music and literature (Barnum Museum). The museum used humans with unusual physical appearance such as a bearded woman, Siamese twins and dwarfism (Lost Museum). These were surprising for the society at the time as they were not as exposed to the public. Furthermore, P.T. Barnum used any publicity that he could acquire to his benefit. Bad and good publicity meant that people were talking about his museum and that they were intrigued by it (P.T. Barnum). It meant that it would encourage people to discover the museum for themselves, increasing sales.…show more content…
Barnum’s American Museum and Peter’s Mass Media article. His short essay explained that media consists of messages, means and agents (Peters 13). He explains that a message needs to use a common language in order to reach as much audience as possible, uniting groups as well. He also talks about the concept of address gaps, spatiotemporal range, and problematized interaction (Peters 14). Again, the address gaps refer to the fact that mass media can address the entire public (Peters 14). Spatiotemporal range means that mass media is not limited by time and space and problematized interaction explained that the message is not always well received by its audience (Peters 15; 17). These three previous aspects of mass media can be seen in P.T. Barnum’s approach to mass media. Firstly, his methods attracted people of different cultural and social groups as well as both men and women. It unified different groups and gave them a common activity, goal. This can be related to the address gaps. However, the message excluded African Americans as they were still considered slaves – which is an example of problematized interaction. The legacy of the American Museum has managed to cross time and space as its legacy has remained to this day and a website has been created to allow the audience to enter the virtual world of the museum (The Lost

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