Children's Crusade Research Paper

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Mary Rose Reeves World History Children's Crusade The Childrens Crusade is the name given to a crusade made by the European Christians around the year 1212, to get rid of the Muslims from the Holy Land. The Children's Crusade seemed to put some Christian belief back into crusading after the fourth crusade gained no success. The Children's Crusade was never officially a crusade because it was never blessed by the pope. In the year 1212, two groups of children from Germany and France went off on a crusade to the Holy Land. These children became convinced that they would be protected by God and because they were protected, they would get to the Holy Land and take Jerusalem back for the…show more content…
He told the children that crossing the Mediterranean would be really easy because the water would part so they could walk start through. He gathered about 30,000 children to follow him to Jerusalem. They marched through France and everybody was very supportive of them. The Roman Catholic Church wasn't very supportive. The Church didn't think that they would be successful so The Church couldn't bless a crusade that was doomed to fail but they didn't stop the children from marching on. A lot of the children never walked that far before so some children dropped out of the crusade. Some children died because they were so exhausted. A lot of the children were mugged or stolen from. All in all, it was not a good trip. When they got to the Mediterranean, the sea didn't part like Stephen said it would so they had to cross the sea by boat. Some merchants said that they could take the children across to Jerusalem but the children were never heard of again until some of the children returned 18 years later. The children who returned reported that two ships were supposedly wrecked off the coast of Sardinia, killing everyone aboard. Not long afterwards the two ships wrecked, the remaining five ships landed east of Algiers and the children were sold into slavery to the

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