Overcrowding In Prison Case Study

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Appendix Melissa De’Vault Question: What alternatives would you recommend for jail/prison overcrowding and expenses? Answer: House arrest seems like an excellent way to move non-violent offenders back into the community instead of far away in prison. But the cost savings from having the offenders pay for part of the technical expense, the fines, restitution, child support arrears, etc. from their wages in the community assumes there are jobs available for offenders to work at. Question: Do you believe your recommendations will have a significant impact on the inmate’s behavior? Answer: One of the greatest factors associated with criminal behavior and conviction is poverty, which is a big part of the problem that the hyper-incarceration system…show more content…
Answer: Implement alternatives such as probation, parole, community service, halfway houses, electronic monitoring, and also fines and restitution. Question: What is your personal opinion about the overcrowding of prisons and their expenses? Answer: Low level drug offenders is the primary cause of mass incarceration with mandatory sentencing and lengthy prison sanctions. Not only is the law disproportionally to minorities it is also disproportionally to the mentally ill and physically disabled offenders. While costing tax payers millions. Correctional Officer Terrell Coles Question: What alternatives would you recommend for overcrowding and prison expenses? Answer: House Arrest, and specifically the electronic home monitoring program are an excellent idea. It is a cost effective way to reduce the prison population, solving in part the problem of inmate violence. To further solve these problems The United States Federal Government should put all property criminals(burglary, fraud etc.) and drug possession offenders the didn’t also commit a violent crime under house arrest, and use the Electronic Home Monitoring Program specifically for those

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