The US Constitution's Role In The Criminal Justice Process

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The criminal justice process has many procedures that can vary depending on the jurisdiction of a case and crime. The process has many steps and contains a extensive process that takes time. Contingencies are unpredicted future events that effect outcomes of proceedings as well as trails. “A number of proceedings must occur before a final decision in a criminal case is reached. For example, bail must be determined, pleas entered, hearings scheduled, and motions heard” (Wright, 2013, Sec. 1.5, Para. 1). All of these aspects of proceedings are events that have to happen but the outcomes can not be clearly predicted. Evidence is also based off of Contingencies. A judge can determine if the evidence is feasible to be used in court, or the judge can determine it not to be allowed within court. Many aspects of a trial can be based off of Contingencies.…show more content…
Constitution plays a vital role within our criminal justice system. Not only does the U.S. Constitution play a role in criminal cases, but each state has there own constitution that affects criminal procedures. State constitutions mostly resemble the U.S. Constitution with minor differences usually. The Constitution is to allow the government to help and protect people’s liberties and rights. The main goal of the Constitution for criminal processing's is to, “Criminal procedure's roots are found in the Bill of Rights, which addresses fundamental principles such as protection against unreasonable search and seizure, double jeopardy, self-incrimination, excessive bail, the right to a jury trial, effective counsel, and confrontation of witnesses” (Wright, 2013, Sec. 8.1, Para. 19). These protections help equalize the power from the law enforcement and government to establish a common bond of liberties and rights to the people of the United

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