Out, Out By Robert Frost

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Poetic Analysis of “Out, Out-” By Robert Frost In Robert Frost’s poem “Out, Out-” the poet uses literary to show how bad life was in the 1916. Frost has written about a young boy’s life to help show us how bad it really was in this time period. In the beginning of this poem the young boy wishes not to be work. Line 6, Frost quotes “Under the sunset far into Vermont” to me the sun helps us see that he has been working all day because the sun is going down. Line 7 Frost infers “The saw snarled and rattled, snarled and rattled, As it ran light, or had bear a load.” this show he has to handle a lot of work or just got done with a heavy load. Line 10, “Call it a day I wish they have said” makes me as a reader feel like he didn’t want to work…show more content…
Line 16 Frost insisted that it “Leaped out at the boy’s hand, or seemed to leap” shows that he had no real control of what he was doing or at least what he was trying to do. At line 17 and 18 Frost has said “He must have given the hand, however it was neither refused the meeting” helps us to see that he must have been in danger from the beginning. On line 19 Frost says with interest that the saw left “Half in appeal, but half as if to keep” meaning there was nothing you could do but let it. The saw had half of his hand while the boy had the other half for himself. Line 20 shows Frost telling us what the boy saw with his eyes, “The life from spilling then the boy saw”. Which open up his eyes to what he had done and showed that he was going to die because the blood was spewing out of him mean life. On line 21 Frost it his fault “Since he was old enough to know, big boy doing a man’s work”. This show’s he did not need to be doing that but had no choice in the matter. Line 22 Frost makes us wonder because it says “Though a child at heart” which we know he is one. Now to what has just happened to the young boy, on line 23 he yells to his sister “Don’t let him cut my hand off” but yet, it is already

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