Figurative Language In Out, Out By Robert Frost

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Poetic Analysis of “Out, Out-” By Robert Frost In Robert Frost’s poem “Out, Out-” he uses literary devices to say that life is short. This poem shows a boy who has to work for his family. Frost’s use of figurative language, imagery, and theme show that Robert Frost means to say with a boy who cuts off his hand that life can be cut short at anytime. The use of imagery in the poem shows how the boy works. We are first placed at his home in Vermont. It shows in the poem “ Five mountain ranges… under the sunset of Vermont.” Then Frost uses imagery to show that the saw is put to work as it says in the poem “as it ran light or had to bear a load.” As the accident happens, the poet shows that the people are worried, “the watcher at his pulse took a fright.” They were trying to calm him as it says “The doctor put him in the dark of ether.” Ether means to be asleep or not feel anything. “He lay and puffed out his lips with his breath.” It worked and they just waited beside where he lay. This is the picture that Frost has created showing how a boy doing a man’s work can lead to terrible accidents.…show more content…
“Snarled and rattled,” this is an onomatopoeia and is used to emphasize that the saw is a dangerous machine. Also, the saw is personified to supposedly know what supper means, “leaped out of the boy’s hand.”But before that there are idioms. “Child at heart.” This is to show that he is still a boy or a kid and he has to work for his family or do things that his dad would normally do. Another personification is “Neither refused the meeting.” This is saying that when he dropped the saw that it cut his hand or collided with it. “Life from spilling,” to show that he could die and this is an

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