Robert Frost's Out, Out

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“Poetic Analysis of ‘Out, Out-’by Robert Frost” In Robert Frost’s “Out, Out” poem, he used literary devices to explain what happened to the main character who I see as the boy. Frost made a boy who works hard all day and just wants to relax and have some fun, but gets in a terrible accident and never gets the chance. He gets his hand stuck in a saw, which tears it up, and he later dies. He seemed like a nice boy and I didn’t like how it turned out. Sadly, we never even found out his name. Robert Frost uses personification, alliteration, idioms, and many other types of figurative language in many different ways. For example, he personified the saw to snarl, rattle, and run.. A saw cannot actually do any of those things. He also used alliteration in these two lines: “His sister stood beside him in her apron,” which is alliterated because of the many “S” and “H” sounds, and “Sweet-scented stuff,” which is alliterated because of the many “S” sounds. There was also an idiom that stood out to me because it’s how I think of myself, “A child at heart.” Frost connected all of these examples, in some way, to the main idea, whether it was something about the boy, the setting, etc.…show more content…
In the following lines, he told us where it happened: “Five mountain ranges, one behind the other” and “Under the sunset, far into Vermont.” He used the sense of sound in: “They listened to his heart.” And finally, he used a dash of smell in this line: “Sweet-scented stuff when the breeze drew across it,” which was also used as an example from the alliteration section. Because of Frost’s great use of imagery, we can picture, in our minds, what happened, where it happened, and who it happened to. Of course, when I say “it,” I mean when the saw tore up the boy’s
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