Oppression In Kate Chopin's The Story Of An Hour

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In the story of an hour , Kate Chopin writes about a woman named Louise whose overbearing husband is supposedly dead. She begins to mourn the death of her husband until she realizes this may be the gateway to a new freedom and independence. Chopin gives the readers the perception of how marriage could be constraining. Throughout the story, Kate Chopin emphasizes on the theme of marital oppression. The author shows that marriage is oppressive when Louise begins to realize that she is now free from the obligations and responsibilities of being a wife. Louise was restricted by her the traditions of marriage and the society in which she lived. Although Mrs.Mallard was loved and she “sometimes” loved her husband, she felt that her freedom of choice and expression were being taken away from her. For this reason, Louise is quick to see the brighter side of her husband's death. She realizes that her basic rights of expression, could only be acquired when her husband dies.In the passage Mrs. Mallard says “free, free free!”. This indicates the relief and happiness, Louise felt at the tragic news of Mr. Mallard’s death and the release from the constraint in…show more content…
In the passage, Chopin writes “...she went away to her room. She would have no one follow her”. This time of isolation allowed her her emotions to run wild and she could express her innermost feelings. The way Louise initially reacted, was very dramatic but it was in a manner that was expected of her. She was supposed to sob endlessly and weep over her husband's death. When Louise realizes this is not how she actually feels she begins to reprimand herself and describes her newfound sense of freedom as a “monstrous joy”. The discontent and repression from marriage explains why Mrs.Mallard was experiencing an immense sense of liberation and was looking forward to living without her
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