Once More To The Lake E. B White Analysis

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Some Things Never Change Though people age and change, the experiences they had are the same, and do not change for others enjoying the same spectacle; moreover, other things will stay the same even with age. Children at a campground will have similar experiences to those had by older people when they were young, even with certain changes in society. Similarly, even though people age and change with time, they still feel and see things the same way they felt the first experience. Therefore, the society around the individual may conflict the person to feel different at times. In E.B. White’s passage, “Once More to the Lake,” the main character first reminisces about his trip to the lake in Maine as a child, and then goes into a story of a trip with his own son. As the main character proceeds through the telling of the story, he finds himself conflicted between being the child of his youth, and being similar to his father at the lake. His ritual when he visited the lake as a child is similar to that of his son in numerous ways from getting out of bed in the morning, to activities throughout the day, to reactions to events…show more content…
This perspective does not alter how the author experiences the trip, however, and he recollects the events and experiences similarly to how he felt as a child. From small, simple things such as pies flavors, to activities such as fishing, he lives the same as when he was a child, and enjoys them just the same. Even with times and age, the main character feels the same as when he was younger in the situations presented to him during his visit to the lake, even from a different point of view of a father taking his son. Internal conflict of comparing and contrasting the past and the present is then brought up in the situation by the author comparing how his experience as a father, to his experience, when he was a child, as a

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