Oedipus Predetermined Fate

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In the play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, Oedipus is predicted to kill his father and marry his mother. This sense of predetermined fate is prominent throughout the play, shown by Oedipus' prophecies coming true, hints of foreshadowing and dramatic irony, and Oedipus' constant attempts to escape his fate. There are many prophecies that Oedipus received throughout the play, Oedipus Rex. A prophet that predicts Oedipus' fate is Tiresias, who says that Oedipus was the King Laius' murderer, and that he would lose all that he held dear, including losing his position of power as the king of Thebes. Furthermore, Tiresias said, "He'll grope his way in foreign parts, tapping out his way with stick in hand," ( 26 Sophocles ) predicting that Oedipus would blind himself, leave Thebes, and live a life as a beggar in foreign lands. Since these predictions came true, it can be diagnosed that Oedipus did have a predetermined fate.…show more content…
An example of this is when Oedipus is talking to the priest and the people of Thebes, explaining to them that he knows about the pains that they are going through in Thebes. He says to them, "I know too well, you all are sick, yet sick, not one so sick as I" ( 7 Sophocles ). This foreshadows that Oedipus, himself, is the reason why the city is deteriorating and is "sick." In addition to this, there is a scene where Oedipus is talking to Creon about what they should do to rid the city of its plague. He says that they must avenge the death of Laius, their former king, to which Oedipus replies that Laius was "a man I never saw" ( 9 Sophocles ). Though Oedipus does not realize it in this point of time, he has seen Laius before and is, in fact, his killer as well, which is an example of dramatic
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