Odysseus As A Hero In Homer's The Odyssey

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The book The Odyssey by Homer is about a hero named Odysseus from Troy. A hero is someone who is courageous, wisdom and selfless. Odysseus is considered a hero in many levels like being a war hero and also displays many of the characteristics a hero should have. Society needs hero's in today's world because heroes help us when we need them the most, they are our missing puzzle piece that society needs in its life to succeed, heroes never give up and try their hardest to make sure society is safe and sound. Society needs heroes and without heroes the people would be lost. Heroes display many traits and an important one is courage because it is important to never give up and always have hope in in the surrounding people and society. Odysseus…show more content…
Odysseus shows wisdom throughout his journey including when he sees the cyclops and when he returns home. A scene that really caught the readers attention was when Odysseus was in Calypso's island and Calypso asked Odysseus to basically chose between herself or Penelope. Odysseus showed his wisdom by spicing up his words and making them seem neutral but giving Calypso satisfaction by agreeing with her when she says she is immortal and has beauty. “'Hardly right, is it, for mortal women to rival immortal goddess? How, in build? In beauty?' ' Ah great goddess,' worldly Odysseus answered, 'don't be angry with me, please. All you say is true, how well I know.'” (V, 234-239). Odysseus acted very quickly and said the right things for Calypso to be content. The readers mother; Violet Motta is a very wise women. Motta is know for around her house to make very good decisions not only economically but as a counselor and friend as well. Motta always knows what to say and knows how to say it, just like wise Odysseus. Odysseus and Motta share this trait of wisdom and use it to their benefit. Motta uses her wisdom to learn how to talk to her children better, and Odysseus uses his wisdom to save himself from Calyspo's temper when she asks Odysseus to pick between her and Penelope. Hero's like Motta and Odysseus are needed in society because…show more content…
Many heroes have many qualities that make that certain hero different from the rest, but this quality is something that every hero should have and not only one hero in the whole world; selflessness. Odysseus definitely shows this quality throughout most of his journey, there are many examples of Odysseus being selfless but there was one scene that grabbed the readers attention and it is when Odysseus refers to Telemachus as a prince and makes it seem as if Telemachus is the man of the house. “Odysseus looked to his son and said, ;your guest, sitting here in your house'” (XXI, 473-474). Odysseus is not thinking for himself and as if this is his house, but is thinking for others; in this case his son. Telemachus has grown twenty years without his father and needs support, Odysseus knows that and that is why he tells his son that he is now the man of the house, or refers to Telemachus as if this is “your guest” and “your house”. Superman is a worldwide known hero and shows this quality almost every time he is saving a person in need or danger, his shows are proof. Superman can easily say that he will not save a person in burning lava so that he will not catch on fire, but Superman does not think this way and thinks about the person in need first, how every hero should. Superman and Odysseus share this characteristic and use this trait to
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