Observation Analysis Of Starbucks

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Set up of Business: Starbucks setup is within Kroger. It has a small section on the right side of Kroger’s cash registers. Starbucks cash register stand and sitting area is separated by Starbucks non-perishable items such as cups, bags, and shirts on a stand. The sitting area has 4 small square tables that sits 2 people, which are around a long rectangle table that sits 7 people. There is a flower section on the left of this area and valentine items on the right of this area. There are no sectionals to divide Starbuck’s business area from Kroger. Participants: 8 paying customers came in during my observation time [1 employee (female), 8 customers]. Four of those 8 customers had kids with them in a buggy. Two people were just sitting in the sitting area (little boy and a young gentleman). They did not purchase anything. Some of the paying customers had children with them. Six customers came in, ordered, got their orders and went to other areas in Kroger. Two customers ordered and left out the store. Six people came through the area, which I knew. Three spoke and continue walking to other areas in the store. Two stopped and carried on a short conversation with me. One spoke and sat down with the young gentle that was sitting before I arrived. The employee behind the counter was not too busy. There was a lot of people traveling through the area,…show more content…
One thing that distracted me the most was the little boy sitting by himself. I often would catch myself watching him. Although he looked about 10, I was scared somebody was going to get him. Why, I don’t know. I guess because of the movies I watch on Lifetime. I was also bothered by the constant traffic of “non-Starbucks” customers walking through the purchasing area. If I worked there, I would want some kind of separation or a sign with arrows demonstrating or stating to walk

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