O Connor And Zana Briski: Film Analysis

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Hugh O’Connor and Zana Briski’s documentary have a common crossroad; they both want to show a terrible situation and bring attention to the difficulties of certain people’s lives. Both Stranger with a Camera and Born in the Brothels tell a story of two different cultures and how an outsider perceives it as they explore it. O’Connor and Briski are also living with families of the cultures so they are getting an inside look. These documentaries are made to remind us that we should not take what we have for granted. The types of assumptions that they make are that everyone is unsatisfied with the life that they are living. Some of the Appalachian people and some of the children from the brothel would like an education and do something with their life. Kochi would like to gain an education, but she knows that the road to getting that education isn’t easy if you come from the streets.…show more content…
In India, it is fully acceptable for a young lady to start working in the Brothels and make money by selling her body. Until they are old enough to be able to work, they are in charge of cleaning the house. In O’Connor’s documentary, it tells the story of how hard it is to find a job in the town as mining became less of a thing in the town. O’Connor wanted to use his photography in order to change the circumstances in the Appalachians, however, he was naïve about the culture. While his intentions were good, they were not thought out. Briski’s documentary showed her involvement with children who would grow up in the Brothels. She gave them their own cameras so that they could film their own

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