Ford Motor Company Form 10-K

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All public traded companies, some nonprofit as well as privately help companies have to put together a annual report. The purpose of the report is let the shareholders and investors the financial stability of the company. They also have to file a performance report to be shared with the stockholders and investors as well. The part of the report we are concern with is the SEC form 10-K. In this essay we will review the Ford Motor Company's Form 10-K for 2012. We will explain the purpose of the company’s 10-K and how it is interprets the firm’s financial strength. We will also describe the three important items, including their significance to stakeholders that was learned from reading Ford Motors Company’s 10-K for 2012. A 10K is an annual filing that publicly traded companies are required, by law, to send into the Securities and Exchange Commission containing everything about their business that an investor would want to know before buying or selling shares of stock in the corporation. These documents are available to the public for free. The best way to think about a 10K is to consider it a document that the government forces…show more content…
The investors really must learn to read between the lines, to understand the company’s true financial condition. The investor best bet to interpret the financial strength; they really need to study the report in sections. Starting with the financial information, examine and analyze the financial data. Look at the cash flow statement, is the company making money from continuing operations. Study the risk factor, by moving to part II. Do the company have lawsuits pending, are their some trends to watch like low sales. Next the investors , need to look at the bottom line of the company, once they know about the company and the financial strength , now they can decide if they want to invest or continual to

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