Short Essay About Lionel Messi

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Luis Lionel Andres Messi (“Lionel Messi”) is one of, if not, the most popular soccer player in the world. Born on June 24 1987, Messi was the youngest player ever to play for FC Barcelona. At the age of 16, Messi made his first appearance for FC Barcelona. Messi was born in Rosario, Argentina and moved to Spain at the age of 13 where he was offered the chance to train at FC Barcelona’s youth academy. At a young age, Messi was diagnosed with hormone deficiency which restricted his growth. Shorter than most of the kids at his age, Messi showed great talent and skills which put him in front of many organizations; one of which was Barcelona. Many organizations showed interest in him but due to his condition, little to no one wanted to pay for Messi’s medical treatment. However, Messi was given a trial with Barcelona where he impressed the coach. Barcelona offered Messi a contract which included Barcelona paying for Messi’s treatment in Spain. Messi progressed through the ranks and became the youngest player to score a league game. As the years went by, Messi kept improving and broke multiple records and set new standards. He led Barcelona to multiple…show more content…
To people with disability, he will be remembered for overcoming his disability and achieving his goals. To the people of Argentina and Spain, he will be remembered for making the country, and its people, proud in the international community. Messi has a physical disability which prevented him from reaching his true height. Although he wasn’t able to win a trophy with Argentina, he was the youngest member in the Argentina team to score a goal in the World Cup. He brought great national pride to both Argentina and Spain. He has won more championship and trophies than anyone can hope for or achieve. Lionel Messi will be remembered as an underdog who worked hard and achieved his goal, but to the world he will be remembered as a great soccer

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