Nokia's Product Life Cycle

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Introduction Every product in the world has its own product life cycle which is divided in to four stages based on characteristics and symptoms can be observed in the market. Such stages can be known as Introduction, Growth, Matured and Decline. Some of the product in the world have experienced all these four stage and some of are being experienced. Few of products now it’s declining stage. These paragraphs below will explain how Nokia products have experienced its life cycle. Introduction Stage of Nokia (1995 -2002) Introduction stage of Nokia started once they started it Mass production of GSM compatible handset devises with the Model called 1011. It is not the first device which enable GSM network. This little equipment…show more content…
This is the first phone without external antenna, having tiny design with impressive facilities including advanced messaging, personalization with Xpress-on covers and screensavers, vibrant feature, time management functions, voice dialing, picture messaging, predictive text input and games. It also introduced mobile chat using the Nokia Friends-Talk service, which allows users to have conversations using SMS (Short Message Service). This is a globally accepted wireless service that enables the transmission of messages between mobile users and external systems such as e-mail, paging, and voice-mail ( The success of the product evidenced its massive sales reported as 160 million in 1999. At the beginning, Innovative facilities and design were the strategies adopted by Nokia which were help Nokia to grab the Market share by attracting new customer base all around the world. Further they follow a very specific and effective strategy could be described as narrowing market based on customer’s perception and sell products to meet customer’s specific needs. Based on this strategy they have identified four categories of consumers with their special requirement other than using a phone to make a call. That categorization helped them to distinguish not only between businesses but also between different market segments. The four categories mainly identified such as premium users, Fashion segment,…show more content…
Later on simians and Motorola had to fall down its market due to introduction of Smart phone segment which was firstly developed by Nokia based on their co owned Operational system called Symbian. Most of real competitors like Sony, LG, HTC had to use this Symbian operation system for their products to compete the market but they could not reach the level of Nokia Product as Nokia were the pure owner of such operational system thus Sony, LG and HTC were not given real competition ( thus Nokia step by step deviate their own innovative path and stick on same series with same features and heavy devices, Until I phones develop their own Operational System based mobile phone so called I phone with huge capabilities. Such introduction shock not only Nokia But also whole telecommunication industry. The time was not available to develop an operational system like Mac OS to Nokia.and they was falling towards the bottom due this caused.

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